
The Magic Stone

The power of a simple habit

I keep this stone in the middle of our car and every morning so far this term we have taken turns with it on our way to school.

Each of us squeezes the rock and says three things we are thankful for and three things we hope to happen in our day. It takes about a minute each and we can do it silently or out loud.

It is turning into a lovely ritual, starting the day being both grateful and hopeful, setting our intentions of what we want to happen in each of our days, however simple.

The mornings, like every household trying to get little people to school on time, can be pretty fraught and we can all get a bit stressed but this seems to be a lovely way to bring us all back down to earth again!

I have rocks in jacket pockets, by the bath, by my bed and in the car, all for this reason!
